The most important question when it comes to choosing a wedding photographer is simply: Do we like their work? Assuming that you have checked their availability for your date, matters of coverage time, price, travel and accommodation can all be discussed and tailored to fit – but you can’t change a photographer’s eye.
There is no substitute for looking at a wedding photographer’s work. On my “Your wedding” page you can see shots from a lot of weddings, but in some ways it is more useful to look at single weddings in depth. My wedding portfolio case studies on this page are to help you do that. I have tried to cover a wide range of weddings. All are real weddings with real people – no models pretending to get married! – and I have picked a range of younger and older couples, and of wedding styles.
To really see what a wedding photographer offers, you probably need to go further still. Space on a website prevents me posting ALL the images I delivered to my clients from any given wedding – but I can show you a recent full set if you contact me.
Working through the portfolio material here, though, should give you a good idea of the style and range of my wedding photography. From many local South London weddings in Camberwell to a few in North Wales and Northern England, they cover a fair bit of geography. From young couples to older people, first and second marriages, churches, register offices and hotels, marriages and civil partnerships – all are covered. I hope you enjoy looking and like what you see of my work – your London wedding photographer!