Events Photographer for Conferences, Congresses and Congregations
Conferences for tenants organised by Southwark Council
Event photographer: Andrew Event location: The Assembly Hall, William Booth College, Camberwell
For a number of years I have been a regular photographer at events put on by Southwark Council for Council Tenants and Council Leasehold Homeowners. The images here are from just one of those days, back in 2018. Sad to say, Covid changed the possibilities and structures, possibly permanently, but these events were my gateway into the world of South London politics, its heroes and villains.
Well-attended and lively (if not cut-throat!) in debate, most of these days also included some lighter element. At this one, a local youth campaign group put on a thought-provoking play about knife crime – casting a real police officer in a stop and search.
Photographing events like these conferences is my bread and butter. You need to be quiet, unobtrusive, but also to listen to what is happening so as to anticipate where the action is going. Often the lighting is poor, although William Booth College is better than many venues. The only real lighting issue in these shots is lighting colour. Editing photos from venues with multiple light types involves some compromise – you want to be faithful to the feel of different parts of the building without losing your subjects in a terrible purple or orange wash. I think I got the balance right here.
Favourite moments at these conferences? I love capturing the amazing Val, chairperson extraordinaire, as she lays down the law to Mr Piers Corbyn!
If you are looking for an experienced events photographer, please call Andrew King today on 07983 787889 or, if preferred use the form on the contact page